Marine Biology Links

The following links are useful for general information about Marine Biology or specific information for Roatan...

The Roatan Marine Park (RMP) is a grass roots, community-based, non-profit organization located on the island of Roatan.

Fragments of Hope, Belize (Facebook) [coral transplants]

Secore Foundation (Facebook) [coral recruits]

Dolphin Research at RIMS -A Dolphin Communication Project Video.

Florent's Photo Guide to Caribbean Reefs.

Coral Tutorial from NOAA's National Ocean Service: Corals

NOAA: The Heat is ON! Climate Change and Coral Reef Ecosystems: A Coral Bleaching Webinar.

The Heat is On! Climate Change and Coral Reef Ecosystems: An Ocean Acidification Webinar.

Google Earth file for MBC points of interest on Roatan

Biology and Ecology of the Invasive Lionfishes, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans

Jellyfish Tutorial

Caribbean Geology (Technical and large file)

Designer Reefs  --An article about Directed Evolution

Google Earth Street View of Belize Barrier Reef

1 comment:

  1. Jenna,
    Looks like you are having a wonderful time at Roatan. I can't believe how beautiful the coral reef is there. What is the coral that looks like a vase
    or chimney. I never saw that before. Have you seen any sharks? Have you gone diving at night yet. That seems to scary for me! I went scuba diving
    once off of St. Kits and that was enough for me; my ears hurt for weeks after. I bet you could use a Gopro down there. Maybe Santa will bring you
    one next Christmas. I went swimming with the dolphins once in Mexico and that was the best time I ever had in the water. Well have fun,


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